Flexibility to Survive

Monday, January 17

Do you remember the 70's hit Rubberband Man by The Spinners?  The teacher in me wanted to find the meaning behind the lyrics.  So all of my searches came up with NOTHING! But each time we talk of flexible restraints I use a rubberband as an anchor to help us remember how to flex and bend but not break during the week.  So here is my personal interpretation of the lyrics for this song and flexible restraints.

  • "You're bound to lose control when the Rubberband starts to jam"....first we do not have to lose control as we start to stretch and flex our control. A few extra points may allow you to get over a hump in your day that otherwise would cause you to quit the program!
  • "I laughed so hard cause the man got down When he finally reached his goal"...you better believe we are going to laugh, cry, and cheer when we reach our goals by celebrating every milestone along the way!
  • "Just a movin, just a movin, just a move-move-movin Just a Rubberband, Rubberband man"....how appropriate this last line reminds us that we must be movin' all of the time. (next weeks topic)
So we can bend, stretch and not break by living our program with flexible restraints by using our WPPA. WPPA of 49 gives a member the opportunity to learn how to live this program within their life.  Member research is showing that members who understand and use their WPPA have the greatest success. A member who realizes that a holiday, an event, a little extra snack, or a roadblock can cause or hinder their success will use their WPPA to survive.  I refer to WPPA as overdraft protection....the points are there if needed but don't use them just because they are there!  Weight management is always about energy in vs energy out so if the energy in is greater than the energy out there is no surprise when I step up on the ww scale!  Unfortunately, WPPA are not roll over points that one can build for a future event.

So it is your decision... break them into 7 extra points using some or none on a daily basis or save all 49 for a big event or don't use them at all...it is up to you!!!!  How do you take advantage of your 49?

And for those who do not remember this great hit...get up and learn this 70's dance..it is pre-Zumba!
The Spinners Rubberband Man

See you in the meeting room!

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