The meeting room sounded like a bag of 94% fat free power food popcorn as I asked members to identify their greatest strength as a ww member. Tenacity, determination, willingness to learn, want to, fortitude, longevity, perseverance, and desire popped across the room. But like every bag has those kernels that are just not ready to pop, we have members just not 100% into their program or perhaps they feel like the only way they can lose is to deprive themselves of their favorite foods. Living the program so the healthy choice becomes the easy choice is an individual journey.
In 1990, Stephen Covey published his groundbreaking The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change which continues to be a bestseller with more than 10 million copies sold. Covey introduced strategies for a person to become the best person they could be. So using Covey’s process, another ww leader developed the 7 Habits of Highly Effective WW Members.
• Focus on eating Power Foods to stay physically satisfied longer for fewer PointsPlus values
• Using the weekly PointsPlus Allowance to fit in treats regularly
• Make your meals look bigger and more appealing by using smaller plates and bowls and adding 0 PointsPlus value fruits and veggies
• Try new recipes and new foods to give your taste buds a treat
• Enjoy and savor every bite instead of eating mindlessly while watching TV or driving
• Appreciating your companions and your environment to increase overall eating satisfaction
• Taking time while eating, since it can take approximately 20 minutes for the brain to register that the stomach is full
Would any of these habits help make your change in becoming an effective ww member? Would/could you incorporate them into your day? My favorite part of ww is that I get to decide on my food that works within my lifestyle so I never feel deprived which basically means I am writing my own guidebook to a healthier happier me!
If you are feeling deprived or still stuck on the old plan, this is the week to SPRING forward to the new time and the new plan. Remember, if you really do it, it really works!!!
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