
Weight Watchers will kick off Lose Like A Man with spokesperson Charles Barkley!!!! Click  Here
for more information.

Don't forget the Hoover Store will open the week of December 18th at Patton Creek!!!!

This is a GREAT week to do Simply Feeling!

Hope to see you in the meeting room!

Moving Date....

It's Official!!!!!
The New Hoover Store will open the week of Sunday, December 18th!

The new store is diagonally across from Zoe's and next door to Wrapsody.  There is plenty of parking behind our building with a breezeway access or in the Rave parking lot!  Our address is 160 Main Street, Ste 120  in Patton Creek.

Check out our official web site weightwatchers for meeting times and more information.
Be sure to be in the meeting room to find out how PointsPlus2012 offers you more flexibility to optimize your weight loss journey!

You will love the new chairs!!!

Members who attend their meeting lose 3 times more.......

It is UPDATE week!!!  I hope to see everyone back in the meeting room to Meet PointsPlus 2012!