Shake It!

Have you ever wanted to try Zumba but were afraid you may not be able to keep up with the ole pros?  Here is your chance!!!!  Wednesday, June 1 at 6:30 we will host a free Zumba demonstration at the Hoover Weight Watchers Center.  The demo should last about 45 minutes and I am so looking forward to it!!! I hope you can join us!

Play Ball

Please remember is you are attending a meeting at the Hoover Center Wednesday through the weekend to allow time for traffic due to the SEC Baseball Tournament !!!! 


Congrats to the 30 walkers who joined together at Aldredge Gardens for our Walk It Challenge!  Way to Go!!  Be sure to get your 5K charm and a big WooHoo in the meeting room this week!

I won today!

Have you ever been blindsided by an action of a person you thought was part of your support team?  Part of you is surprised and then the other part of you is not.  I had this happen to me today.  And I will say that years and even months ago, I would have consoled myself with some type of food.  The unnecessary points would have just been a knock to my journey and my program.  But today was different.  I realized that the only person that could survive this situation was me.  Food would not survive but I would survive.  So I turned away from food and the emotional desire to eat.  The satisfaction and strength I gained during the day was immeasurable.  I am sure that the days ahead will be just as challenging as today but emotional eating lost today and I won!!!  It was a great day plus I walked 3 miles!
When you are blindsided, how do you beat emotional eating? Please share your stories of strength and survival…it is part of everyone’s journey.

Please Pardon the Interuptions

Does life ever get in the way of your journey?  For the past few months, I have been hit by one interruption after another.  We all have had weather issues in Alabama but from school events, ww events, and family events it has been difficult to stay focused and on task.  I have maintained so that is great but my "me time" is suffering!  The realization of this came to focus as I looked ahead to the meeting topic for next week....exer-cuses! So how are you handling life, interruptions and your journey? Your success may be just the idea I am looking for, so please share.

Challenge Yourself

Grab your Walking Shoes and Join Us!!!!

Sunday, May 22 2011

Aldredge Gardens - Hoover


Join us for the third annual WW Walk It Challenge!