Try Something New

I realized this morning that I make the same “to do” list every Saturday, complete my paperwork to ww, and buy groceries.  HOW BORING!!! So today, I raised the flag on the mailbox, grabbed my bag and went SHOPPING!!! It was so much fun to go from store to store, people watch, and begin to look at all of the spring fashion still at full price!  My last stop was the grocery store and then home to begin dinner.  All of sudden I had this urgency to start my normal Saturday routine at 8PM but everything on the list can and will wait.
Often our lives become so routine and safe we forget to try something new.  I was recently reading a Blog in which the writer encouraged everyone to select 30 fashion items and create 30 new outfits for 30 days without a new purchase. Shoes, jewelry and accessories counted in the 30 so it took a lot of thought but it was amazing to read the comments of readers who had been successful plus the excitement of saving money during the month.
We often find the same safety in certain foods causing us to become afraid to “step outside of the box” and try something new!  We calculate the pp values, write it down, and have a successful weigh in so we repeat it the next week.  Until it is week whenever and we are so tired of the same oh same oh meal!   
Making changes to last a lifetime requires the determination to step out of the box and try something new.  My challenge is not a menu for 30 days but a menu for one week with a variety for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.  Try a new recipe, a new variety of fruit, a new vegetable, or even a new restaurant.  Where will you begin and then share how it turns out!

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